Monday, March 31, 2008

Who's your enemy?

Every movie's villain makes the whole movie fun and keeps things moving. In a fun post, one marketing author suggests we, as marketers, also need villains.

What's your number one enemy?

Our blogger friend suggests:

"The weight-loss blog's No.1 enemy is fat. The productivity guru's enemy is clutter or poor time-management. The web designer's enemy is ugly and non-user friendly site architecture."

He points to a site here which lays out "what we're fighting for" and "What we're fighting against." (See right side, bottom quarter.)

"Enemies" are not specific people of course, but conditions, attitudes and habits.

What are you against, as it relates to what you are for, marketing your product?

For an example of the enemies we chose in the little start-up I am part of, check out the affiliate link at the top left of this page: Are Your Vitamins Safe?

Can you see what we positioned as our 'enemy'?

What's YOUR enemy as it relates to what's most important about your product line?

Then tell the world. Start here, by telling US.


Ien in the Kootenays said...

Great question! For my main company, illegal loggers and cattle ranchers who are cutting down the precious Amazon Rainforest. It is worth way more as
pharmacy to the world.

For my other company, uninformed
professionals who want to drug fidgety school children without trying natural approaches first.

MUST get 2 separate blogs together
for this.

Tom Doiron said...

Hi Kim,

My marketing enemy that my primary product combats is the "sweet tooth" that drives the carbo craving that pack on the pounds.

Call the dentist,
Tom Doiron

Paul Eilers said...

I know that for many people who market nutritional supplements, Big Pharma and the Medical Industry are often the "enemy".
