And they'll sell the product if they love it. And they cost zip.
Combining Google with staying local.
Say you market a natural energy product.
1. Google entrepreneurs who have clients that are likely to have an interest in that product.
E.g. enter: Chiropractors in Wichita Kansas
Fill in any professional entrepreneur type, from upscale hair salons to alternative MDs in any city and state in the US.
2. Find one of the 'lists' or directories.
For most every category in the search results, you'll see a directory - sometimes several. Search those for lists by area and their specialty. You'll see their address, maps, and phone numbers.
3. Using some of the friendly scripts in the orange book, you can contact a group of 15-20 of them per day. Do all of one kind to start (e.g. all chiropractors, or all personal trainers) so you get familiar with them. Then find the one or two who might want a product like yours to check out and maybe carry.
One gal in our class called a group of chiropractors in her town, and one of them invited her to speak at an upcoming local event for chiropractors in the region (!!)Most all entrepreneurs understand wholesale-retail spreads.
In my last company, I contacted alternative medical doctors in the San Francisco Bay Area, from the Yellow Pages. There was no Google then.I know because the group I sold my business to shows me the reports now and then.
One of those MDs still orders 5-10 boxes of the product to this day, some 12 years later(!)
There's more detail on this reaching out method in CD 12 of the expanded new Customer Enchilada Priority Program here.
Do-it-yourself-ers can get started just with this info, yes?
Hello Kim, this is a great marketing strategy and something I will definitely implement in my marketing of my "amazing health juice". Thanks you very much Kim!
Hi Kim,
I've taken the 3script class and read the book. I have all my scripts ready and practice with over 200 cadaver calls.
I wanted to ask you though...if i call and set an appointment with a doctor for example, what kind of presentation do i do? Do i show them the product and it's benefits? Do i share my story and other stories? Do i talk to him how he could benefit by this selling it to his patients?
Any suggestions? I've read in the book about how you explain to doctors that this is wholesale-retail etc, but do i suggest he uses it first and if it works for him then he can sell it or should i just talk business with percentages etc?
Thank you in advance.
Theodore from Greece
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