Sunday, March 16, 2008

Building trust and credibility for your niche: Case study in progress

Customer Enchilada Priority Notification Tip #2 (this follows tip #1 - scroll way down to see it.)

Example from the new start up I own part of.
Fill in the numbered parts with yourself and your own information.

1. Dr. Heidi sells a whole food multi.

[What do you sell?]

2. One big reason she sells it: She's been into nutrition for 30 years, and she knows most regular vitamins are synthetic. She's known for years that most synthetic vitamins go right through you. Jargon: they're not bio-available. That's a big reason people laugh and say Americans have the most expensive pee on the planet.

[What's a big reason you sell your thing?]

3. She wonders if some people who take vitamins (without giving it much thought) might want to know that they're probably synthetic and don't do much.

[What's something your potential customers might want to know, given their existing habits - e.g. in this case, Dr Heidi's potentials are those who already take vitamins.]

4. She writes an informational piece - a white paper - without selling her product. She might have put it on a blog, an audio podcast, or maybe made a video. She made a web page introducing the idea: "Are Your Vitamins Safe?"

[What information piece can you write? And if you don't write, what topic can you search Google for and edit those into a nice piece?]

Want to see the
"Are Your Vitamins Safe?"

Will you promise not to steal this content? It's copyrighted. Will you write your own thing, from your own point of view, using YOU and YOUR hot buttons re your product?


OK here it is. Are Your Vitamins Safe? (opens in new window)

5. She made that first page you see above, a 'Landing page." That's a single page, with enough information and proofs to interest the right persons, no one else. But stops short of telling everything. Open the kimono just a little...

(The proof here is encouraging the reader to check the label on their vitamins right now, for some of these ingredients.)

[What's your mini proof?]

6. She adds a little drama. She does not finish the whole piece. Instead, she puts a "subscribe" button on the bottom of the page - so those who want more info on this topic, i.e. potential customers later on, can sign up to get the rest of the report.

Others skip on to the next thing. NOTE: No one posting these "Are Your Vitamins Safe?" affiliate links on the Internet through emails and blogs, etc. hears 'no.'

7. People who really want this info (not lookers or spam bots and spiders) open the 'confirmation email' and click the link inside. That does two things: 1) it makes the person clicking it a 'double opt-in' lead and 2) that click releases the rest of the report.

[You can do the same thing or team up with someone.]

7. She puts the link, "Are Your vitamins Safe?" as many places online as she can. Her affiliate link assures those clicks and opt-ins are hers, should they buy her whole food multi at some point down the road. Anytime someone buys from that click, she earns between 20-28% off the top of the order. (This is a two-tier affiliate program so there are no minimum buy-ins to earn the percents.)

[Once you have a piece you like, you can put out the links also.]

Note: Nearly 500 people this past month have opted in to get the next informational email for this whole food multi.

That was the first informational email. There are about 7 more in the queue. All on the house, all educational for people who might have an interest in this whole food multi.

The next info piece is: Three ways to drink more and not get as drunk. Another: Alcohol? Two tricks to minimize the skin damage - if you don't want to give it up.

[What would your topics be given what you market and who you are?]

There are many ways to market online, and this is just one. Some people focus on social websites, like Facebook and MySpace, and others, like me personally, focus on blogs and marketing campaigns like this.

Hope this helps you a little. It's a start, yes?

This describes a customer driven program. We're looking to build trust and authority with our potential customer market with these kinds of online information campaigns. Affiliates have free access to these reports, to help spread the word.

1 comment:

Robin Plan said...


I sell a whole food multi.

I had night sweats for over 5 years. I tried herbs, gave up coffee and tea, kept my house almost cold but still had night sweats. I tried this new multi for something else and guess what? The night sweats went away so I decided to market it myself.

Women might be looking for info about controlling night sweats without taking hormones.

#4 - #7
I'm going to write a report about night sweats. I have several ladies in my group with menopause blogs and websites so we can combine our info and write our White Paper report. It will talk about what we've tried, different things to try, diet, exercise and the danger of drugs (hormones) and then at the very end we can say, This is what I found that helped me, if you want to check it out,

It will not be a hype piece, it will have information from a range of treatments. If they want to click my website they will, if not I still never hear no.

By the way I have over 100 leads from using free reports like this. I've been using them for a month.
