Thursday, April 10, 2008

Are your words worth $25 million dollars?

Who says words don't matter?

I'm watching a video in which a marketing guy, Bob Serling, reports on a sales letter he created for a customer, who used it, and landed a contract for $25 million with it.

It's a page and a quarter, and he uses it now for different clients, tweaked to their business. When a prospect wanted it, he sold it to them for $30,000, plus a percent of whatever they took in.

No, I don't have the letter.

It's just a reminder about how important the words you use, are, when you're trying to sell something large or small.

How do you talk to people? Do you "throw up" on them? Do you techno-babble them? Do you encourage them to come to a conclusion themselves, without you having to convince them?

First steps to your $25 million marketing letter:

1. IS there a market? (Don't take it for granted that there is one big enough or findable enough for you to earn a living.)

2. If yes, who are they? What kinds of people are they and what are their values?

3. Describe their values or experiences that might have led to those values in minute detail. Begin with yourself if you're a raving product lover of whatever you market.


Ien in the Kootenays said...

Thanks, as always, for making us THINK. I must get that ADD blog happening...

Tom Doiron said...

Dear Kim,

Great post!

Is there really a market to support your business? This requires a reality check and many people going into business are so ambition driven that they won't face facts. After all they have a 'dream'.

I just had a similar conversation with an entrepreneur this morning. His business idea sounds awesome. He is going to be a search service to put suppliers and customers together. Will the customers look? Will the suppliers what to share their profits with him? Can he rise above similar online competiton?

When you're a kid, you want it. You yell long enough and loud enough until you get it. I am not sure this tested approach works 100% of the time for adults. Yah you want it, but if it isn't available; then what?

Kim I am sure glad you love to read and make time for it so we can learn all this great stuff vicariously.

But I want it,
Tom Doiron

Unknown said...

What an interesting blog. I'm definitely coming back for more. Thanks for opening our eyes and minds.

I'm currently trying to market an award-winning screenplay, The Ardanea Pendant and finding that folks do look at the artwork on my blog, but that's as far as they go!

Any tips on how to reach the next step?