Saturday, March 24, 2007

Results: Would you use it if you weren't selling it?

Results so far here:


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim : Yes, I would use the products, as I'm using products I didn't know were in existance, which has dramatically improved my health. I'm 62 years old.My Mom is 92, and she uses over $125 per month. She has no intentions of making money at this.

Robin Plan said...

I answered a BIG YES. I was a product user, customer before I ever thought about selling.

I'm also a product user and sell healthy pet food. Even if I didn't sell this food I would buy it.

A big thing about both of these products is that both customer and rep pays the same price so no one has to sign up for the wholesale price.


Whole Food And More

KFitch said...

Karen Fitch Says...
Hi Kim, Yes, I would use my products, in fact I've been using them for over 10 years and am just now deciding to get into the business end of it. That is why I'm listening to you...

flpitbullmom2 said...

Hi Kim: Yes, I would use my products if I wasn't selling them. I have been a customer for both of my companies before I decided to sell. I love the supplements from the one company and I sell holistic pet productswith the other. This kind of quality you can't find on the shelves in any store.
