Have you heard the story of Mary Jane? She struggled for almost three years and got 32 customers in all that time. Then she took one course - over the phone. In the next 2.5 years, using the little scripts she learned, she got 2,457 customers. How did she do that?
She learned what to say to earn trust and arouse interest. And she got that from this little program...

The Physical 5-CDs and orange book here ($57)MJ is now, five years later, at nearly 8,000 customers. Here are some of the hundreds of other stories...
The MP3 (online) Audios and eBook version here ($47)
(NOTE: When you order this, on the Order Thank You Confirmation page, look for the little download link icon near the top of the page and click on that. You will get TWO PDFs. One for each product: Audio MP3s and eBook. The links are INSIDE each PDF.)
Bribe: First 50 buyers of either program get, on the house, "Just the MP3s" here ($41.95.)
"This week I spoke to 13 people, I got 2 autoship customers and 3 referrals; one is a health club owner. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. It's fun to work now." -SandraP, Isagenix RepThey and hundreds of others each spent $270 on a three-day course with me. You can now get it for $57 or $47.
"I did $1,200 in business in one day. In my 31 years in business I've never had a day like that, ever." Mary A. Shaklee Rep
"Of the 78 people I talked to, I revived 6 dead people who hadn't ordered in years, make 18 program sales instead of single bottles, and sold 2 air units. My sales went up almost $1,000 this week." Jan H. Melaleuca Rep
The Physical 5-CDs and orange book here ($57)In case you missed the interviews with Mary Jane...here they are.
The MP3 (online) Audios and eBook version here ($47)
(NOTE: When you order this, on the Order Thank You Confirmation page, look for the little download link icon near the top of the page and click on that. You will get TWO PDFs. One for each product: Audio MP3s and eBook. The links are INSIDE each PDF.)
Bribe: First 50 buyers of either program get, on the house, "Just the MP3s" here ($41.95.)
Interview #1 with Mary Jane M... (Part-1) [31 min]
How Mary Jane got 2,497 Customers in 2.5 years after she learned what to say.
#2 Interview with Mary Jane M... (Part-2) [28 min]
What Mary Jane did to keep and grow her customer base.
#3 Interview with Mary Jane M... (Part-3) [33 min]
How staying true to herself kept MJ going to 4,000 customers and growing
How much would you be earning with 100 customers?
Instant download for the MP3s and eBook.